PT3 Mathematics 2016, Question 1

Question 1 (a):
Fill in the blanks.
(i) 3.5 cm = ______ mm
(ii) 6 500 ml = ______ l
(iii) 90 minutes = ______ hour

3.5 cm =3. 5 = 35 _  mm

6500 ml =6 5 0 0 = 6.5 _  l

90 minutes= 90 60 =1.5 hour

Question 1 (b):
(i) Using a ruler, draw an axis of symmetry on diagram 1.1.

(ii) Diagram 1.2 shows an incomplete polygon drawn on a square grid. The dotted line is the axis of symmetry.
Complete the polygon in the answer space.




Question 1 (c):
Diagram 1.3 is an incomplete line graph showing the number of laptops sold in five days. The sales on Friday was ¾ of the total sales on Thursday.

(a) Complete the line graph in the Diagram 1.3.
(b) Find the difference in the number of laptops sold between Thursday and Monday.

Sales on Friday = 3 4 ×36 =27

Difference in the number of laptops sold
= 36 – 24
= 12


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