6.5.4 Volume of Three Dimensional Shapes, PT3 Practice

Question 11:
Diagram shows a composite formed by joining a quarter cylinder and a right prism at the rectangular plane EFGH. The trapezium ABGF and the quarter circle FGK are the uniform cross sections of the solid.

Using   π= 22 7 , calculate the volume, in  cm3, of the composite solid.

Volume of FGK = 1 4 ( π r 2 h ) = 1 4 ( 22 7 × 5 2 ×7 ) = 1 4 ( 22 7 ×25×7 ) =137 1 2  cm 3 Volume of ABGF =[ 1 2 ( 10+5 )5 ]×7 = 5 2 ( 15 )×7 = 525 2 =262 1 2  cm 3 Total volume of solid =137 1 2  cm 3 +262 1 2  cm 3 =400  cm 3

Question 12:
Diagram shows a cylindrical tank in a residential area which have 125 houses. Each house received equal volume of water.

The diameter of the cylindrical tank is 4 m. It is given that each house has a cuboid tank with a base area of 0.8 m2.
Using  π= 22 7 , calculate the height of the water level, in m, of each tank in the house.

Volume of water in cylindrical tank =π r 2 h = 22 7 × 2 2 ×3.5 =44  m 3 Volume of water in each cuboid tank= 44 125 0.8×h= 44 125 h=0.44 m Height of water level in each  cuboid tank=0.44 m.

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