11.1 Definition of Set

11.1 Definition of Set
1. A set is a collection of objects according to certain characteristics
2. The objects in a set are known as elements.
3. Sets are usually denoted by capital letters and notation used for sets is braces, {   }.

= {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
4. In set notation, the symbol means ‘is an element of’ or ‘belongs to’ and means ‘is not an element of’ or ‘does not belong to’.
Example 1:
Given that P= {factors of 15} and Q = {positive perfect squares less than 28}. By using the symbol or , complete each of the following:
(a) 5 ___  P   (b) 20 ___ P   (c) 25 ___ Q   (d) 8  ___ Q
= {1, 3, 5, 15}, Q = {1, 4, 9, 16, 25}

(a)5P5is an element of setP(b) 20P20 is not an element of setP(c) 25Q25is an element of setQ(d) 8Q8 is not an element of setQ

(A) Determine whether a set is an empty set
5. A set with no elements is called an empty set or null set. The symbol φ or empty braces, {  }, denotes empty set.
For example, if set A is an empty set, then = {  } or Aφ and
n (A) = 0.
6. If B = {0} or {φ} does not denote that B is an empty set. B = {0} means that there is an element ‘0’ in set B.
= {φ} means that there is an element ‘φ’ in set B.

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